Lightning Fast AI with GPUs

Artificial intelligence involves using computers to simulate human intelligence. Learning from data, a computer's version of life experience, is how AI evolves. GPU deep learning is a new computing model in which deep neural networks are trained to recognize patterns from massive amounts of data. This new model has set off a string of "superhuman" achievements in image and speech recognition and sparked the new era of AI computing.

Deep learning is a field with intense computational requirements and the choice of your GPU will fundamentally determine your deep learning experience. With no GPU this might look like months of waiting for an experiment to finish, or running an experiment for a day or more only to see that the chosen parameters were off. With a good, solid GPU, one can quickly iterate over deep learning networks, and run experiments in days instead of months, hours instead of days, minutes instead of hours.

NVIDIA has developed a rather formidable lead in deep learning software support and tools for its GPUs. Intel is planning to go to market with its "Lake Crest" processor, which is being built specifically for deep learning codes. Meanwhile, AMD is prepping its new Radeon Instinct GPUs for this same application set. Then there are upstarts like Graphcore, which is looking to outrun them all with its Intelligent Processing Unit (IPU). Like the DLU, the Intel, AMD, and Graphcore products are scheduled to be released into the wild over the next 6 to 12 months.