Fischer Heatsink - Mechanical Components
1969 Establishement of the company Norwe-Fischer at Pernze near Bergneustadt, 1-3 employees. 1969 Move to Lüdenscheid, Am Drostenstück 24, 400 sq. m company area, 5 employees, reorganisation as general partnership, sales in first business year: EUR 165.000 1973 Expansion to 600 sq. m, 20 employees 1978 Establishement of the subsidiary Fischer Metroplast GmbH and Hellwig KG 1982 Move to new company premises Nottebohmstraße 28, company area 2.600 sq. m 1984 Introduction of the EDS system, use of the first CNC machine 1985 Inauguration of the extension hall, additional company area 2.200 sq. m 1986 Establishement of Fischer-Oberflächen GmbH 1987 Introduction of CAD system, production in two shifts 1988 Introduction of operation data acquisition 1989 Merger of the companies Fischer Elektronik oHG und Fischer Metroplast GmbH into Fischer Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG, move into new building 4.800 sq. m 1990 The newly founded Fischer Elektronik GmbH starts working in Vienna (sales and stock) 1994 Certification according DIN EN ISO 9001 (Implementation of a quality management system) 1996 Expansion of production area to 10.000 sq. m 1998 Certification according DIN EN ISO 14001 (Implementation of an environmental management system) 2002 Acquisition of immoveables Müller and KAHE 2005 Putting a fully automatic anodizing line with a further 30% capacity in operation 2006 Acquisition of immoveables MASSA - expansion of production area to 14.000 sq. m 2007 Implementation of the ERP-System IKIAS 3 by the company DTM which is based in Lüdenscheid 2009 Start of construction for the fully automatic honeycomb store for max. 2.500 t 2010 Fully automatic honeycomb store for max. 2.500 t