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Carey Electronic Hardware

Carey Manufacturing Inc.

Carey Manufacturing Carey Manufacturing Inc., also known as Amatom, is a company that specializes in the manufacturing of electronic hardware components. They are well-known for their extensive line of precision electronic connectors, hardware, and accessories. Carey has been supplying a wide inventory of catches, latches, and handles for military, aerospace, computer, electronics, telecom, automotive, and consumer applications since 1981. We also own Carey's sister company, Amatom Electronic Hardware.

Carey Amatom Electronic Hardware Company History: Amatom was founded in 1957 by Richard Carey Sr. as a manufacturer of electronic hardware. The company later merged with the Carey Manufacturing Company, which was founded in 1917. Together, they became Amatom/Carey Manufacturing Inc., combining their expertise and expanding their product offerings. Product Range: Carey Manufacturing offers a wide range of electronic hardware components, including standoffs, spacers, handles, thumb screws, captive screws, panel screw retainers, PCB supports, and various types of connectors. These components are commonly used in industries such as telecommunications, aerospace, defense, medical equipment, and electronics manufacturing.

With a history of product and service excellence that spans more than 50 years – and a reputation for ingenuity and dependability that has always defined Amatom – Amatom abidse by their traditions, even as Amatom continues to create new ones in an ever-changing global marketplace.

Carey Manufacturing Inc.

Since 1981, we’ve been supplying catches, latches, and handles for military, aerospace, computer, electronics, telecom, automotive, and consumer applications. In addition to an expanding global sourcing network, Amatom owns and operate a 30,000 square foot manufacturing facility in Cromwell, Connecticut.

Carey hardware Carey Manufacturing places a strong emphasis on quality and precision in their products. They utilize advanced manufacturing techniques and stringent quality control processes to ensure that their components meet industry standards and customer requirements. Carey supplies catches, latches, and handles for military, aerospace, computer, electronics, telecom, automotive, and consumer applications.

Carey's print and electronic catalogs include complete dimensional drawings and specifications for materials, threads, tolerances, and platings. Carey's materials include aluminum, brass, steel, and stainless steel with more than 35 decorative finishes. Carey also offers a powder coat finish in more than 50 colors and textures. Carey also provides un-plated, plated, and custom-design samples and technical information for engineering and evaluation purposes. And Carey offers all of their products with English and metric sizes and threads.

carey products

Carey Products Include:

  • Handles
  • Standoffs
  • Spacers
  • Captive Panel Screws
  • Washers
  • Ferrules
  • Captive Panel Retainers

Carey has been supplying a wide range of catches, latches, and handles for military, aerospace, computer, electronics, telecom, automotive, and consumer applications since 1981. Carey owns and operate a 30,000 square foot manufacturing facility in Cromwell, Connecticut.

Product Catalog

Carey Catalog